Commonly used Prefixes

August 24, 2010 at 5:57 PM Leave a comment

by: Jennifer Perez

As teachers, we all use our State Standards to teach our students the curriculum for each subject area.  The Standards not only help keep us teachers on track, but it also makes sure we cover all information necessary.  One such item on the Grade 3 Florida Reading/Language Arts Standards are Prefixes.

Benchmark Number ~ LA.

Benchmark Description ~ The student will use knowledge of the pronunciation of root words and other morphemes (e.g., prefixes, suffixes, derivational endings ) to decode words.

According to Scholastic, “A prefix is a group of letters that appears at the front of a word. A prefix affects the meaning of the root (base) word to which it is attached.

To determine whether or not a group of letters is a prefix, remove them

from the word. The letters are a prefix if a known word remains. For example,

remove the letters un from the following words: unhappy, untie, uncle,

uninterested. In which word are the letters un not a prefix? Yes, these letters

are not a prefix in the word uncle.”

After reviewing the latest Standards, I began researching the Prefixes in which I wanted to teach my students this school year.  While I was conducting my research, I quickly learned there were several hundred to choose from.  If we had more time in the school year, I would figure out a way to teach them ALL to my students; however, this is not the case!  I turned to a Professional Development training I attended this summer where I received an extremely helpful book  Here is where I learned the FOUR most important prefixes to teach students through 6th grade:

Un ~not, the opposite of  Ex. Unkind, unable

Re ~again, back  Ex. Repeat, regress

In ~not  Ex. Indiscreet, invisible

Dis ~apart, not  Ex. Disengage, discomfort

By learning these FOUR prefixes, students will/would be able to decode a total of 1,500 words!  To me, this was amazing to find out!  If I can successfully teach my students to learn AND use these prefixes then I am setting them up for success!

How Mrs. Perez will teach and use prefixes:

  1. During Morning Work once per week
  2. Guided Reading
  3. Center activities weekly
  4. Homework Assignments
  5. Writing Assignments
  6. Journaling/Reflective writing!

Happy Learning!

© Jennifer Perez 8/21/10

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